McWorter History of Military Service

Civil War Squire McWorter (1846 - 1915), Union Army, Infantry 38th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry

African American Civil War Memorial, Washington, D.C.

Spanish Cuba American War James Boyd Coleman (1865 -     ), husband of Julia McWorter Coleman (1866 - 1937) served as 1st Lt 
  John Bates, second husband of Frances Jane Coleman McWorter served in the U.S. Army
no photo available
World War I Thomas McWorter (1890 - 1963)   
Sergeant, Q.M.C.   Served Overseas 1918-1919. Son of Squire and Martha McWorter of Hadley.

World War I Shelby McWorter (1894 -   )
Seaman, U.S.N. Enlisted 1917. Son of Squire and Martha McWorter of Hadley.

World War I Charles Washington, stepson of Mary McWorter Washington
no photo available
World War II Cordell McWorter (1914 - 1987)
Son of Arthur McWorter, served in the U.S. Army
Viet Nam War Allen J. Kirkpatrick, II, son of Thelma McWorter Kirkpatrick, Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army
Gulf War Allen J. Kirkpatrick, III, B Company, Germany 1987 -